
Primo Food Truck

When your business is creating ham, bacon and smallgoods, a great way to reach potential customers is to take your products to them. In 2022, Primo Foods is doing just that with the launch of the Primo Food Truck which will be helping communities, charities, and sporting clubs along the east coast of Australia.

Turning this great idea into reality took the expertise of event specialists Chatter Brand Experience, and the experienced team of designers and truck wrap installers at Sign Up Fleet.

“It’s a fantastic concept and one that is really resonating with the community post pandemic,” explains Matt Hayes, Director at Chatter Brand Experience. “And it sounds like a simple idea for Australia’s largest supplier of smallgoods. However, taking the conceptual plan from a flat canvas to an actual truck required a lot of collaboration between the Primo Marketing Team and Sign Up Fleet.”

The challenge for the designers at Sign Up Fleet was to convert the brief and initial artwork into a design that would complement the curves, edges and openings of the truck body without losing the original concept.

“Each individual food truck has unique panels, hatches, vents and bracketing that aren’t on the original agency artwork,” says Steve Holden, Director at Sign Up Fleet. 

“So once we get the drawings from the food truck body builder, we can take the customers original design and adapt it to the vehicle and create a final design for the customer without losing any impact.”

Working with a leading brand like Primo creates some technical challenges when following their brand guidelines to wrap a car, truck or van. 

“We needed to ensure the colours and other elements of the brand remained consistent with their packaging and marketing collateral,” explained Holden. “We do this by using quality materials which won’t fade or deteriorate over time when exposed to the elements. And our experienced team of installers work with the vinyl wraps to ensure the final result matches the original design concept.”

The Primo Food Truck is a way for the company to give back to customers and communities impacted by the pandemic and recent natural disasters. They are providing local organisations with a way to raise funds without anything to organise on the day. 

Primo Foods supply the truck, the food, the staff and all of the proceeds from sales are donated to the organisations that make the booking. The whole day is coordinated by Chatter Brand Experience on behalf of Primo.

It can booked for events and other occasions via the Primo Food Truck website. 
